ShoRtyZ Site


phat page
sweet shyt
mo sweet shyt
sweet yo
Aerosmith cdz i have
my day w/my new b/f
kenny chesney
my muh new b/f
sleep ovaz at shortyz hehe
warpe tour n Flogging molly
why my town sux
gothic pic page
muh kidz
Cartoon Dollz
bling bling
how 2 tell if u ghetto
20 things i want to do be4 i die
terra n nick pixz
the car's i want
more crap
da rockz crap
MuH bOiz n GrLzZ
BeSt FrIeNdZ
MoRe FrIeNdZ
da shyt i b wearing
Green Day
Good Charlottle
New Found Glory
da dan page
Cear Bear
Beauty Secrets
the crape page
The HeLL PaGe
FuNnI pAgE
sweet azz shit
*~da best shyt on EaRtH~*
50 FuN tHiNgZ 2 Do At WaL-MaRt
KuRt CoBaIn
SuM WhaD FuNnI
MuH cLaZzEz
Rockin Page
Ranibow brite
MoRe StUfF
stuff 2 make
BlUe CLuEz
RaVe On PaGe
SpOnGe BoB
My Crestive Side....
Poemz 2 my exz
kandy stuff
lil dorkz
fun page
lil stuff
living dead clown
my hate page
Mary Jane
SoUth PaRk
da songz i b chillin 2
2 muh home grl
da fuk up page
muh wishin list
wayz 2 get meh
da fuk up page

  1. ppl that fart
  2. ppl that think there better
  3. ppl that pick there nose
  4. grlz that sleep around
  5. grlz that wear tiez
  6. grlz that date 45 year oldz
  7. guyz that r azz
  8. ppl that think they b ghetto
  9. ppl that act lyke there gay
  10. rich bitches
  11. posers
  12. ppl that kill other ppl
  13. ppl that lie
  14. ppl that kill themselfs
  15. assholez
  16. jockz
  17. ppl that don't talk back
  18. ppl that cheat
  19. ppl that only look 4 sex
  20. ppl that ant sex now so u fuck anywhere u are
  21. ppl that try 2 be lyke other ppl
  22. ppl that steal
  23. ppl that never grow up
  24. ppl who make fun of wiggerz
  25. ppl who want 2 cheat
  26. ppl who want 2 be lyke other ppl
  27. fat guyz
  28. ppl who fuck their dogz
  29. creak headz
  30. cat killerz 
  31. ppl who kill ppl
  32. dog killerz
  33. playerz
  34. ballerz
  35. preppy ppl
  36. punk wannabes
  37. ppl who act lyke their happy but their not
  38. ppl who cow tip
  39. grlz who want other pplz b/f 2 finger them
  40. ugly grlz who think their hot shyt
  41. grlz who wear boxers
  42. grlz that use boiz 4 sex
  43. boiz who use grlz 4 sex
  44. ppl that sleep with ur b/f
  45. ppl who make fun of other ppl
  46. ppl who think their fuck upz when their not
  47. grlz who have fake boobz
  48. grlz who try 2 steal ur b/f from u
  49. Nsync
  50. BSB
  51. pop music
  52. snow
  53. being kold
  54. Money
  55. not seeing my b/f b/c of school
  56. not having a job
  57. hittin up friendz 4 sum money
  58. not having a car
  59. broken homez
  60. wanting 2 drop out
  61. antz
  62. rochez
  63. pain
  64. haterz
  65. rapers
  66. pink
  67. mario
  68. gum
  69. loseing erin
  70. making promise i can't keep
  71. cyber sex
  72. missing my petz 
  73. prepz
  74. users
  75. lies
  76. pigz
  77. life
  78. tv
  79. my life
  80. blah blah
  81. ppl who scream SHUT UP
  82. prepz
  83. dreaming about getting out of this town
  84. wanna b raverz
  85. crying
  86. heart breaks
  87.  acting lyke a 5 year old
  88. be 17 n don't have a job
  89. missing summer
  90. hateing the mall
  91. Pretending 2 be happy
  92. ppl who hate kandy
  93. throwing food at ur b/f hehe n winning
  94. thinking
  95. spending more tyme with ur family n not ur b/f
  96. never seeing ur old friendz
  97. waching that stupid movie the others
  98. bein a kid again
  99. not chillin with my old boiz as much as i used 2
  100. n when ur b/f moves out he never tells u n ur sis finds out that his roommat is a grl n he cheated on u n it was goona b u 2's 8th month thingy

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