ShoRtyZ Site


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my muh new b/f
sleep ovaz at shortyz hehe
warpe tour n Flogging molly
why my town sux
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Cartoon Dollz
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how 2 tell if u ghetto
20 things i want to do be4 i die
terra n nick pixz
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Good Charlottle
New Found Glory
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sweet azz shit
*~da best shyt on EaRtH~*
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KuRt CoBaIn
SuM WhaD FuNnI
MuH cLaZzEz
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My Crestive Side....
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fun page
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living dead clown
my hate page
Mary Jane
SoUth PaRk
da songz i b chillin 2
2 muh home grl
da fuk up page
muh wishin list
wayz 2 get meh
sweet azz shit


**In ThE BooK OF LifE, ThE AnswerS Arn'T WritteN IN ThE BacK

**dON't dARe to be dIFFERENt, dARe to be yOURSELf, if tHAt dOESN't mAKe yOu dIFFERENt, tHEn sOMETHINg is wRONg.

**I could fill a thousand pages, telling you how I felt and still you would not understand, so now I leave without a sound, except my heart shattering as it hits the ground.

**In 3 WordS I CaN SuM UP EverythinG I'vE LearneD IN LifE, "IT GoeS ON"

**I drink to make other people interesting

**You only fall in love once, the rest is merely practice to make sure your heart can take it.
**FatE SuckS. I SweaR.


why do you try to restrain who we are,
the ways we wish upon a star,
to bring the world peace and love,
as we look above.
You dont seem to understand,
Why we care about the land,
Or why we do the things we do,
And how we manage to still love you,
Despite your ignorance, and despite your hate,
Despite all your attempts to eradicate,

What we love,
And who we've become.

We have been sent, to spread the PLUR,
It is the perfect cure,
To treat the sickness, and to heal the pain,
Return to bliss, and let Love reign.
I'm in a different world then most
and I don't wanna boast
but while I'm in this state of mind and happiness
that you could never find
but if you're in my case
you're not part of the human race
were different from the rest
which makes us the best
we are the ravers
who dance and daze into the lazers
we depend on each other
like there was no other
if you can be down to earth
and wild

then you could be like us; a
raver child!


**If you can't judge a a friut by the colour of it's skin, how can you judge a person that way?

**cAn i kEEp yOu?

**If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, lets all get wasted and have the time of our lives.
**If the two brightest stars fell out of the sky, God would replace them with your eyes.

**If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I would be walking in my garden forever. 



**Nice Piercings wanna fuck?

**Excuse me, young lady. Could I ask you, were we tortured and then burned at the stake as Agnostic Cathar Heretics by the Spanish Inquisition during intimately linked previous lives in the early 12th century?" 

**If you swoon at my booted feet, I'll buy you a drink"

**Hey, is that a really long black liner in your pocket or do you carry your own brand of black current all of the time?"

**Go out with me or I'll kill us both."

**You've stolen my heart away. Luckily, I've got another three or four in the freezer."

**You have the academic look that I lust after." 

**You should come home with me. We match." 

**Wow. That outfit must make a lot of noise in the dryer, huh."  Anson "Dr. Doom"

**Nice boots, wanna meaningful relationship?"

**Hey! You two are pretty hot for a couple of dead chicks!"
**Life's a dance you learn as you go"
**99.9 DRUG FREE"
*Smokin weed and hittin chronic,i'm a fuckin alchaholik!!

**veins r blue blood is red so let me cut u open like u cut"

**Jack and Jill went up the hill... to have a little fun! Stupid Jill forgot her pill... and now they have... A SON!"

**Mary had a little bud, It was tight and green, And everywhere that Mary went They had to clean the screen"
"Roll, roll, roll a joint, pass it down the line, take a toke, inhale the smoke, now yer feelin' fine"
**Jack and Jill went up the hill to get some marijuana, Jack got high, unzipped his fly, but Jill said "I don't wanna."
**A friend with weed is a friend indeed, A friend without weed is a friend in need."

**I Wanna Get Struck By Lightening And Get Hit By A Car And Get Shot In The Hand"

**EaT fIrSt...SiNk l8eR"

Always remember life's golden rule:
A friend is the one who comes and bails you out of jail....a best friend is the one sittin next to you sayin DAMN! that was fun!

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