ShoRtyZ Site


phat page
sweet shyt
mo sweet shyt
sweet yo
Aerosmith cdz i have
my day w/my new b/f
kenny chesney
my muh new b/f
sleep ovaz at shortyz hehe
warpe tour n Flogging molly
why my town sux
gothic pic page
muh kidz
Cartoon Dollz
bling bling
how 2 tell if u ghetto
20 things i want to do be4 i die
terra n nick pixz
the car's i want
more crap
da rockz crap
MuH bOiz n GrLzZ
BeSt FrIeNdZ
MoRe FrIeNdZ
da shyt i b wearing
Green Day
Good Charlottle
New Found Glory
da dan page
Cear Bear
Beauty Secrets
the crape page
The HeLL PaGe
FuNnI pAgE
sweet azz shit
*~da best shyt on EaRtH~*
50 FuN tHiNgZ 2 Do At WaL-MaRt
KuRt CoBaIn
SuM WhaD FuNnI
MuH cLaZzEz
Rockin Page
Ranibow brite
MoRe StUfF
stuff 2 make
BlUe CLuEz
RaVe On PaGe
SpOnGe BoB
My Crestive Side....
Poemz 2 my exz
kandy stuff
lil dorkz
fun page
lil stuff
living dead clown
my hate page
Mary Jane
SoUth PaRk
da songz i b chillin 2
2 muh home grl
da fuk up page
muh wishin list
wayz 2 get meh

*i want ma ass smaked..legz wyde... front bak... syde ta syde ...pussy wet ...slip an slyde...Yup Errythin gonna be aright*
UgLy gUrlz get all dressed up, thinkin' they lOok all goOdie.. damn, me n' my gUrlz lOok better rOckin' sweatpants n' a hoody
*iTs siMpLe..nOt tOo hArD i wAnNa bE uR GirL rEad thE SigN dOwn BeLoW
cHeCk tHe bOx {yEs} or {nO} *

*tHuGz DiDnT eVeN kNo A sHoRtY cOuLd LoOk DiZ gOoDtHeY bE rEaDy To BoUnCe OuTta DeY cRiB & cUm To My HoOd *
*wHeN FiStS CuM fLyEnN n GaTzZ CoMe OuT yA sEe wHoSe tRu n wHo JuS RuNs tHeA MoUtH*

*I've SeeN mANy Boyz buT baBy Ur iT u GoT mE DraWin HeaRtz aRounD uR namE n ShyT*

*AlL the feLLaS wAnT thIs and aLL thEir laydieZ kNo CuZ eVerY tIme i CoME aRounD,uR girl be LikE "baby LetS go!"*
*Wit dA SeXy ThONgZ*
*N ThA WoRK oF MAh ToNgUE*
*HeLL yA BaBy*
*I gOt U SpRuNg*

_______ -¤- * SeXi Sh0rTi * -¤- _______
____-¤- * Blingin Lyke wh0a* -¤-_____
Ecko Red shirt.. $45
Black fubu jeans... $60
Playboy thong and bra... $15
Seeing all this shit on your mans
floor the next morning...priceless
*i b walkin down da street feelin da breeze as all da niggaz heads turn 90 degrees struttin mah stuff shakin dis booty
cuz no1 can replace *Me* - dA #1 CuTiE*
LiL thug MaMi WiT da blue bandana
Ca$hD up iN prada $iPiN on champAiN
.:*Glitta in da jeanz Ice roun da colla
Big in da dolla Maykin all da thugz holla*:.
 *I RoCk hArDeR tHaN u*
*cAuSe iM HoTtA tHaN u*
*N I kn0 DeeP doWn iNsiDe iTz BoThEriN u*


SeXi n SwEeT HoTt LiKe fIrE i gIvE yA 69 rEaSoNs
WhY iTs mE u DeSiRe cHiCkz WiSh tHeY HaD a FaTtY LiKe MiNe GoT EvErY ThUg SaYiN DaMn sH0rTii U FiNe BreAk EvErY NeCk wHeN i WaLk DoWn tHa StReeT i GoT tHaT sExY StYLe FrUm My HeAD 2 My FeEt SWeeT LiKe SuGaR THiCK LiKe HoNeY JuST FoR THe PRiCe oF aLL YouR MoNeY THe PeRFeCT CoMBiNaTioN MiXeD ToGeTHeR PLaCeD iN a PaCKaGe FoR YouR PLeaSuRe!


i gOt niGgAz tELliN mE dAt iM dA oNe..
n iM LiKe cHiLl bAbY, yEr JuSs fOr fUn

*  HoW CaN OnE GurL Be SoO AmAziN*
*Im A RuDe AsS BiTcH WhEn I NeEd To Be*
*BuT Im CoOl As
ShYt If YoU ReAl WiTh Me*

iM SiK oF DeEz LiL BoYz
n dA GaMeZ DaT tHeY pLaY
EiThA U WaNt Me oR yA DuNt
. . BoUnCe oR StAy . .

~the illest shawty dat eva came out, yall hoes wana hate? *KnOcK yA sELf OuT*
-iM 1oO% pUrE jOy-
-JuS LyKe A pAgE oUtTa PlAyBoY-
*BoRn 2 TAsE *

 *TaUgHt 2 PLeAZe *

..      .... 
 WhY u aLwAyS sAyiN sHyT
 aLwAyZ bEhiNd MuH bAcK
 u GoNnA gEt uR a FuKeD uP
 AnD yEs....thAs A FaCt
..      ....    
**MaH cLeAvAgE WiLL mAkE U uNaBLe 2 sPeAk MaH tHiGhS WiLL mAkE yA kNeEz wEaK sO HoLd yA pAnTz & cLoSe yA eYez uNLeSs u WaNt yA DiCk tO RiSe**

o $parKle like diamonds
$hine like pearls
but nuttin compares
 to dis baby girl oo
"Mary had a little bud, It was tight and green, And everywhere that Mary went They had to clean the screen"

*DiS MiTe SoUnD So ScAnDLiS, ItS Da TrUtH AdMiT U CaNt HaNdLe It,SeE MoSt Of ThE TyMe a DuDE ThIcK As ShYt, U NeEdA Go A StEp FuRtHeR & LiQ Da CLiT*

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